Our first meeting is to be held on Tuesday 31st March 2020 at 10am at the Hull Institure of Learning and Simulation. We hope that many of you will sign up to the group so that together we can collaborate on future projects, creating an innovative culture within our organisations and shaping our VR/AR future. Our administrator for the network is Claire.Pick@hey.nhs.uk Tel: 01482 816793

We now have the agenda for the day confirmed. There will talks from the Chief Executive of Hull University Teaching Hospitals Mr Chris Long, Dean, Faculty of Health Professor Julie Jomeen as well as many others and a practical group workshop to make a jam-packed and enthralling day! If you would like to join the event or for further information please contact Donna.Major@hey.nhs.uk Tel: 01482 816716

The event will be taking place at the Allam Building, University of Hull on 5th February 2020. The day will include talks from inspiring, innovative speakers and will include practical workshops where you will have the opportunity to visit HIVE the VR hub at the University and you will also be able to contribute to the future pathway and strategy of VR in our area. If you would like to join the event or for further information please contact Donna.Major@hey.nhs.uk Tel: 01482 816716

Individuals had opportunity to have a look round the facilities, see the resources on offer and have a practice at being a surgeon with our Laparoscopic Simulators. There is a procedural simulation room and a 10 station wet lab equipped with operating tables and theatre lights. There is a large 75" screen which is connected to a computer and cameras to allow presentation facilities and camera of the tutor station so that candidates at the back of the room can copy the tutors actions whilst being easily able to see what is happening allowing them to shadow the actions. If you would like a tour or a chat about how your activities could take place within the centre please contact us on 01482 816736.

Professor Loubani is our Surgical Skills Director and he has just directed our first Basic Surgical Skills course on 30th November. The course was a huge success and feedback was extremely positive. The centre is based at Suite 22 CHH and is a multi-purpose surgical skills centre designed for wet lab and practice of surgical skills. The centre compromises of: Main Surgical Lab: 10 surgical stations for 20 delegates, large presentation screen with main computer and lectern. Each station has a monitor wall mounted so that tutorials from the main screen can be displayed on each station monitor to allow trainees to easily see tutorial videos. There are scrub sinks and protective wear such as gloves and aprons. Large preparation areas to enable faculty to store and prepare animal tissue models for courses Procedural simulation room which will be 24/7 via swipe card access, simulators available include Laparoscopic and Angiographic Simulators. If you wish to book a tour of the facility; please contact Donna.Major@hey.nhs.uk Tel: 01482 816716 All bookings will go through Emily.Clappison@hey.nhs.uk Tel: 01482 816736 We will be announcing shortly details of our official opening day which will go ahead on 1st February 2019. If you have any queries regarding the new centre please do not hesitate to contact us .

HILS provide clinical skills training and simulation based education to all health care professionals within the organisation and is accessible to NHS professionals across the Yorkshire and Humber region. Simulation has become the forefront of medical education and is becoming increasingly popular as a training method. To read the whole newsletter please click here Sign up to our newsletter to get this information delivered direct to your inbox.

We took along with us a range of mannequins including basic airway mannequins, cannulation arms and our higher fidelity simulation mannequin, Sim Man! This gave the general public a fantastic opportunity to get hands on and and interactive with some of the equipment we use to train our health care professionals here at HEY. The day also gave us the opportunity to promote our ‘Day in the life of a Midwife’ and ‘Day in the life of a Doctor’ courses which was a huge success, we had over 50 students interested in attending.

This means that our team will work with you and your department to run scenario based training in your own clinical environment. You might find it more flexible to release staff for shorter periods to train in their usual area, rather than attend traditional teaching events. Training as a team in the clinical setting can have benefits beyond individual and team learning. It can be used to test systems, processes and pathways and identify potential errors and near misses. HILS have the expertise and resources to supply and run a variety of simulators (adult, paediatric, maternity and procedural skills), as well as provide simulated patients (actors) and moulage services, to ensure the realism of the scenarios. We have experienced faculty who may be able to assist with scenario development and support debriefing for learners in your area. If you are interested in running an in situ within your area or getting involved in an existing programme, please contact either Olivia.Charlton@hey.nhs.uk or Donna.Major@hey.nhs.uk HILS run a specific In Situ Train the Trainers in Simulation course, bookable at http://www.heyhils.co.uk/courses/train-the-trainer-in-situ-course We also have an in situ toolkit, providing information and guidelines for running the sessions, which will be uploaded to our website shortly.